Vodivý atrament

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vodivý atrament
  • vodivý atrament

Vodivý atrament

2,90 €

Vodivý atrament na odstránenie skratu cievky, elektrobloku, atď. Obsah 1ml

A multifunctional coating used for conductive paths between objects, which can shield electromagnetic interference, resist oxidation, and prevent static electricity, commonly known as conductive paint.



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    shelf life: one year

    Beautiful stippling

    Conductive paint


    Widely used in various electronic products, medical equipment, 5/6G communications and new energy fields, etc. Used for conductive paths between objects, anti-oxidation, anti-static and other functions.

    Conductive paint contains metal particles that are prone to precipitation due to express delivery. Please stir until there are no lumps of precipitation before use. You can add appropriate special diluent.

    Things to note

    points for attention

    1. Before applying, clean the surface of the object to be coated without any grease, other paints and release agents, etc., to ensure the best use effect.

    2. Since the conductive paint contains metal powder particles, it is easy to precipitate. Please stir it thoroughly before use until there is no sticky lumps of precipitation. If it is too viscous, add appropriate amount of special diluent to dilute it and then stir.

    3. Please construct in a cool, dry and ventilated place and wear protective tools. The ambient temperature should not be higher than 45? during storage. Avoid high temperature and direct sunlight.

    4. Keep out of reach of children and infants. If it splashes into eyes, please rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical treatment in time.


    Špecifické referencie